Bibi Sucos: Drink a fresh tropical fruit juice

Bibi Sucos, Rio de Janeiro

Here is the place to discover the Brazilian tropical fruit in the form of delicious smoothies. The gorgeous fruits with exotic names will possibly confuse you: don’t worry and pick up 1!

Abacaxi > Ananas
Abacate > Avocado
Açaí > An energetic mousse coming from an Amazon fruit. Very trendy in Rio.
Acerola > The worldwide champion of Vitamin C, directly from Amazon. Every tiny fruit has more Vitamim C than 40 lemons.
Amora > A sort of raspberry effective against cholesterol.
Mamão > Papaya
Manga > Mango
Maracujà > Passion fruit
Morango > Strawberry
Tangerina > Mandarine
Laranja > Orange

Bibi Sucos Leblon
Rua Ataulfo de Paiva 591 A
Phone: +51 21 2259 0000

Bibi Sucos Copacabana
Rua Miguel Lemos 31, Loja A
Phone: +55 21 2513 6000

Bibi Sucos Jardim Botânico
Rua Jardim Botânico 632, Loja A
Phone: +55 21 3874 0051



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