This is the best part of Rio Carnival: freestyle, crazy, alcoholic street parties taking place everywhere in the city. Parties follow the street carnival bands, called “Blocos de Rua“. In 2012 more than 400 blocos were on the streets, and the number is increasing. This is a reaction to the commercialization of Rio carnival: Rio street carnival has no sponsor and no authority, and many Cariocas think that the authentic soul of Carnival si here, rather than at the Sambadrome Parade.
Some “Blocos de Rua“:
Banda de Ipanema. One of the well-known bands, parading from Rua Gomes Carneiro to Praça General Osório in Ipanema (and also on the beach at sunset). This bloco is known for its fancy dresses and for the crazy drag queens participating to the parades.
Cordão do Bola Preta. The oldest and biggest bloco of Rio (in 2011 2.3 million people took part at the parade), partying from Largo da Candelária to Avenida Rio Branco in Centro.
Carmelitas. Parading in Santa Teresa, along Rua Almirante Alexandrino. This bloco is named after the legend of a Carmelite nun who escaped from the convent to reach the carnival. That’s way you will see many people wearing a colored veil.
Cordão do Boitatá. From Rua do Mercado along Rua do Ouvidor to Praça XV in Downtown. A quiet and safe street party, ideal for kids and families.
Que Merda é Essa?! Literally meaning “What the shit is this?”, the name of this bloco reflects its wild and counter-current character. It is considered one of the best blocks in Rio, parading in Ipanema from Rua Garcia D’ávila along Avenida Vieira Souto to the border of Leblon.
Monobloco. Not playing only samba, this is another trendy bloco. It parades on Avenida Rio Branco and Avenida Presidente Vargas in Cinelândia.
Simpatia é Quase Amor. If you are young and willing to flirt, this is your bloco. The name means “Sympathy is nearly love” and the group parade from Praça General Osório in Ipanema, along the shoreline to Leblon.
Suvaco do Cristo. This is the bloco for nature lovers, parading through the amazing Rio Botanical Garden from Rua Jardim Botânico.
Céu na Terra. The bloco “Heaven on earth” parading in Santa Teresa is one of the most colorful, with its puppets and fancy costumes. From Rua Dias de Barros in front of Serginho Bar.
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